2016 has a heart that burns hotter than a 1000 suns, and pumps pure magma. 2016 is GAR as fuck.

so if 2015 was the year of “omg feelings matter” then 2016 has thusb proved by taking away all our heroes and icons, that idgaf about our feelings, its telling you to grind you teeth and take whats coming to you , cuz it’s heart is fire its eyes  burn like helllfire.   2016 is … Read more2016 has a heart that burns hotter than a 1000 suns, and pumps pure magma. 2016 is GAR as fuck.

perv emoji

i first created(made up what ever ) this emote back in like 2005. and i thought why not finally use it on a shirt i’d actually wear( i made it on a tee way back then but my design skills were crap lolol) so now its on www.teepublic.com 😀 https://www.teepublic.com/show/390443-p-is-for-pervertwww.teepublic.com 😀 https://www.teepublic.com/show/390443-p-is-for-pervert help me afford … Read moreperv emoji