Did this for me and my bro’s manly acoustic band(we ended up becomingĀ a full punk-metal pirate band). I just ordered a pro mic so hopefully well suck less when that gets here haha
listen to us here: [link]
wall of text:
Drunk Death Dealerz are an Acoustic Metal Pirate Punk band from Whittier, Ca. The DDD project is headed by two brothers Jonathan Pinkard & Andeh Pinkard. Jonathan has played in various bands in the Whittier local scene, most notably The psychobilly outfit Uptown Psychos. While Andeh is the former bassist/vocalist for Endless Saga. He has had numerous solo projects since, including More than a handful – a melodic punk act, and Zombie Pervert – a horror punk act. The DDD started playing together as a unit in mid-2008 working on their sound whilst becoming “the most manly acoustic band in the seven seas”.